Senin, 10 November 2008

Richie Rich Movie

Synopsis :: Reviews :: Related Links

Richie Rich
Genre: Comedy, Kids/Family
Duration: 1 hr. 35 min.
Starring: Christine Ebersole, Eddie Bo Smith Jr., John Larroquette, Jonathan Hyde, Macaulay Culkin,
Director: Donald Petrie
Producer: Joel Silver, John Davis
Release Date: December 21, 1994
Writer: Jim Jennewein, Neil Tolkin, Tom S. Parker

A big budget comedy based on the diminutive Harvey Comics character to whom money is no object. But all of Richie's wealth can't buy him true friends--he'll have to earn them while saving his family from the machinations of archnemesis Laurence Van Dough.
Movie Reviews:

a movie review by: Steve Rhodes

RATING (0 TO ****): * 1/2

RICHIE RICH is a classic kid's tale retold and updated (read more expensive and elaborate toys) for the 90s. We have the rich kid who has everything. In this case, it is everything electronic. He is missing only one thing in his life--friends.

Richie Rich (Macaulay Culkin) is worth $70,000,000,000 as he will be the sole heir of the Richard Rich fortune. His Mom (Christine Ebersole) and Dad (Edward Herrman) are classic Brady Bunch types except they have enough money to buy an entire continent. Perhaps, Bill Gates will see this show and wonder if his kid in 10 years will be like this. Now, that does seem real, but I digress.

Unlike most zillionaires, the Rich family has hearts of gold. His Dad has never laid off a single person in his entire vast empire. He wants to spend more money on factories and then give them to the workers.

Of course, Richie is great in baseball having Reggie Jackson as his personal coach. When he sees a group of street kids from the local factory that his Dad owns, he wants to play with them, but the feeling is not mutual. In the classic story, he would want to be one of them. Not here. In this show, he likes his million-dollar gadgets and would never consider wanting to be anything other than super rich. He does want to invite them over to his house to play.

The reason to see the show has nothing to do with the silly plot above which goes on and on. The reason is a lot of extremely imaginative toys. I could never describe them. It is in the visuals that they are interesting. One is a million dollar mechanical and electronic bee. Sounds boring, but it is quite fanciful. Sad to sad, that the electronic toys and the goodie goodie family are not enough to carry the movie.

On the bad side, why o' why do we have to have the bad guys shoot at the Rich's with big realistic handguns? Why do we have to have a powerful laser cannon that would have been useful in Dessert Storm fired at them? They have no place in a kids' movie. These scenes scared my son (almost 6) a lot, and he sat in my lap and hid his eyes during them.

Also, on a small note, why did they put so much lipstick on Culkin in some of the scenes? I understand the greasy kid hairdo, but not the lipstick. I know his lips are red, but not that red.

The show is a mixed bag. It has great gadgets, and is mostly a classic kid's fable a la the Brothers Grimm. The scene where they teach all of the future CEOs at huge desks set up classroom style is really cute. On the other hand, we have all of those guns and the overall silliness of the show.

In the end I gave the movie a thumbs down. My son said "it was good and not so good," and he gave it a thumbs sideways. The movie runs too long at 1:35, but does have a nice Road Runner cartoon on before it. It is incorrectly rated PG. For all of that realistic shooting, I would rate it PG-13. Be careful about taking kids under 7 or 8 as it may scare them. I give the movie * 1/2--mainly for the toys.

Movie Review by Steve Rhodes

Minggu, 09 November 2008

Makan murah tapi enak (kawasan pulau bali)

1.Jimbaran bay terdiri dari 2 tempat yaitu di desa jimbaran/di pintu masuk selatan searah dengan fourseason dan kedonganan di pintu masuk utara.Secara umum orang akan menyebut jimbaran saja,tetapi jangan terkecoh karena barangkali anda bermaksud masuk di bagian utara malah masuk diselatan.Secara umum tidak ada perbedaan rasa dan harga di dua tempat ini,namun semenjak januari 07 ini wilayah utara/kedonganan sudah mengadakan perbaikan total untuk jumlah restaurant,tempat parkir, penataan /lay out tempat berjejer berdampingan sangat rapi, yet kepuasan kamu kamu akan lebih terasa di sini.Untuk menikmati makan disini biar nggak ngurah kantong,minta paket 60ribu-70rb terdiri dari ikan kakap bakar, remis/tiram,cumi dan udang dan tentu saja peneman yang lain seperti nasi,sayur plecing kangkung,soup,kacang,bumbu 3 rasa,buah segar dan segelas teh hangat atau kopi sesudahnya.Did I mention aqua?yup aqua atau buah kelapa muda sudah termasuk.Itu paket untuk satu orang. kalo berdua ya tinggal di dikalikan saja

2.Areal tuban kearah kuta
Sepanjang jalan di patung kuda airport ke arah kuta yakni jalan raya tuban kamu kamu bisa menikmati berbagai jenis masakan,chinese,bali,jawa timur,betawi,sunda dll dll dengan harga terjangkau.Wilayah ini tidak termasuk "ring dalam kuta" jadi harga sedikit lebih murah dibandingkan di warung made jalan pantai kuta misalnya.
kisaran harga disini : masakan sunda paket 30ribu/pax, chinese 30.ribu per pax,betutu bali 25ribu,wong solo 27 ribu/orang. disini ada ketentuan minimum order spt pawon pasundan 6 pax minimum, wong solo 4 pax minimum, dan chinese rest minimum 6pax. pastikan anda tau nomer kontak restaurannya dan minta untuk paket seperti yang aku sebutkan tadi. pastinya pihak pengelola lebih dari bersenang hati akan membantu.
Anda terbiasa bangun pagi dan sarapan di pinggir pantai???? cobain makan di pantai segara kearah pantai dari McD sanur.Cuman jangan kesiangan bro..... keburu telat dan habis!! warung ibu ini buka beberapa jam saja dan pasti selalu ngatre. masakan bali(pedah uih... meleleh nih liur) makan lesehan ala bali di pinggir pantai. harga seporsi masakan betutu ayam bali (sorry aku nggak menawarkan produk non halal,walau demi kepentingan kalangan tertentu aku sangat banyak memiliki infonya)...sampe dimana tadi,ok.produk masakan ayam betutu cuman 15ribu seporsi. kalo pas ke sanur kamu kamu telat.... pengen dapeting warung masakan betutu ayam bali yang buka rada siangan dari lokasi warung ibu ini coba deh kamu out keluar dari pantai lurus ke arah MCD,tapi jangan belokan setir kendaraan kamu.Lurus ada ke arah barat di sebelah kompleks hotel melati,yakni hotel rani,taman sari dan sanur indah.disini (deket sini)ada masakan bali yang nggak kalah serunya (eeiit asal kamu kamu juga musti bersabar ngantre) sorry bro.seporsi 20rb doang. murah kok.
Siang siang kamu belom dapet juga masakan bali diseputaran sanur???? gampang jangan menyerah. coba meluncur di jalan yeh aya renon di sebelah barat TK Doremi renon.warung nasi merta jaya.dijamin kamu ketagihan/seprosi 12.rb juga. Murah kan? daripada masak sendiri

Wilayah makan di denpasar adanya di sepanjang akses simpang enam denpasar.Yup I said simpang enam disini semua tersedia sama seperti di jalan raya tuban yang aku sebutkan tadi.

Bicara ttg ubud dah lain neh......pertama kudu diingat yang namanya ubud,soal makan jadi nomer dua yang jadi soal utama adalah tempatnya. Nih ada beberapa tempat makan di ubud dengan harga diatas rata rata
Bebek bengil,terkenal akan crispy duck nya.seporsi cuman 100ribuan,lom termasuk pajak dan layanan. selebritis jakarta tidak melewatkan tempat ini bila berkunjung ke ubud. Mick jagger vocalist the rolling stone resepsi pernikahannya dilaksanakan disini. jadi kebayang...
Padi prada,100m sebelum hutan monyet di ubud.harga rata rata sama seperti di bebek bengil,cuman di sini viewnya....uihhhhhhh kita lepas memandang persawahan nan hijau terbentang.kalo kamu kamu pas malam kesini,jangan lupa untuk mengejar kunang kunang sebelum atau sesudah dinner,tapi awas kalo berlarian di pematang sawah, ntar terjelembab,kena lumpur lagi,hehehehe

Lotus cafe,berada di sebelah barat dari istana raja ubud merupakan tempat makan taste italia (major) dengan view hamparan kolam ditengah tengah lengkap dengan berbagai jenis ikan dan tanaman lotus dengan latar ukiran kori agung milik raja disebelah utara,yang juga merupakan panggung pertunjukan musik tradisional.Nggak suka lesehan lagi?atau bosan makan dengan meja kursi konvensional? coba reserve tempat makan diatas pohon disebelah timurnya. Be tarzan and jane for a day

Warung murnis di campuhan ubud
berada di pertemuan dua sungai utama di ubud, restaurannya berlantai empat ke bawah menuruni pematang sungai dengan view asik abis. nah di murnis ini harga nggak mencekik amat,untuk sebuah view yang ditawarkan murni termasuk salah satu tempat makan pilihan wis dom di ubud.

Sabtu, 08 November 2008

how to save money

  • Spend less on food
    • Cook at home instead of eating out
    • Cook from scratch rather than eating premade dinners
    • Take your lunch to work
    • Grocery shop with a list and stick to it
    • Don't shop while you're hungry
  • Cut your transportation costs
    • Buy the right gas for your car (87/89/93)
    • Get your car serviced regularly to optimize gas mileage
    • Run all your errands in a single trip
    • Avoid unncessary driving
    • Carpool
    • Trade your SUV for a cheaper, more gas-friendly car
    • Telecommute if your employer will allow it
  • Reduce what you spend on clothes
    • Forget about designer labels
    • Get trend-proof clothes
    • Wear layers in the winter instead of buying new sweaters
    • Don't forget sales racks, thrift, and consignment
    • Launder your clothes appropriately to get longer wear
    • Avoid dry clean only labels
  • Be entertained for less
    • Cancel movie subscriptions like Netflix or Blockbuster
    • Exchange movies with friends instead of renting
    • Catch movies on cable instead of going out
    • Books: Use the library instead of buying new books
    • Music: Purchase a song or two through Amazon or iTunes instead of purchasing an entire album
    • Have game night with family and friends
  • Move to an apartment with lower rent
  • Refinance your mortgage for a lower interest rate
  • Get a roommate (or two)
  • Cut your cable/satellite cost
    • Cancel premium channel subscriptions
    • Go basic
    • Nix pay-per-view and movies on demand
    • Ask for a promotional rate
    • Cut it off entirely
  • Lower your phone bill(s)
    • Use your cell phone as your primary phone
    • Get free long distance
    • Bundle your phone with your cable and internet
    • Ask for a promotional rate
    • Get the right minute plan for your cell phone
    • Turn off unnecessary features, even if you have to talk or text less
    • Stick with the pre-installed ringtones instead of downloading new ones
  • Lower your utility bills